Music and Passion were Always the Fashion

Music and Passion were Always the Fashion

Jadi, ternyata jawabannya adalah aku dulu memang ignorant. Sudah ignorant, egois pula, “Aku musisi, musikku yang didengar, bukan penampilanku yang dilihat. Ayo nilai musikku, bukan nilai penampilanku!”, sangat egois minta ampun. Statement ku dulu ini terpatahkan habis-habisan oleh Jon Batiste, seorang musisi jazz/R&B asal Amerika Serikat. Dalam salah satu video interview-nya dengan Rolling Stone, Jon Batiste bersabda, “People see you before they hear you, and when they look at you, it’s gotta sound like something”. Yeah, this man right here is the boss, he 100% knows what he’s saying. Having a strong image can help the musician or band to stand out, to convey a certain message which should compliment the musical offering. Shout out to Jon Batiste, here’s a song from him that I super love, cheers.

People do change, musikku berubah, referensi fashion-ku berubah seiring bertambahnya usia. Dulu aku anak band banget, gitaris metal, sangar, gak kepikiran tuh aku akan mempelajari K-pop. Tapi apa aja bisa kejadian, siapa sangka aku yang sekarang bisa teriak kalau dengar “BLACKPINK IN YOUR AREA” hahaha. That’s why aku selalu bilang aku aktif di aliran explorative pop / pop musyrik, my music taste is insanely broad.

Dhira Bongs is a singer-songwriter and music producer. She claims her music to be Explorative Pop. She has two albums and recent singles. Dhira Bongs has an intention to spread her wings further to another international collaborations. She had a tour in Japan (2017) and became the only representative from Indonesia who performed at South by Southwest (SXSW) 2019, Austin, Tx, US.

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