Weekend Roll

Weekend Roll is an Indonesian rock band that formed in Bandung, West Java in 2014. A herd that currently consists of Saska Gladina Paloma as vocalist and lead guitarist, Rifaldi Hadiansyah as rhythm guitarist, Eggy “Resa” Akhmad as bassist, and Rizki Nasri as drummer. They defined themselves as an energetic band with rock n roll beat and rhythm guitar with dressing distortion. They always develop every piece of work that they make, but still based on their main influence, like Graveyard, Wolfmother, Radio Moscow, Foo Fighter, BRMC and any other rock artists. Saska’s vocal style basically influenced by the style of Dave Grohl from Foo Fighter, while Aldi’s guitar riff comes from Pink Floyd and Radio Moscow so it has more relaxed style, Eggy’s style inspired from Ian Peres from Wolfmother which has attractive style and Rizki’s style inspired by Paul Marrone. And they’re combined it into a new style in Weekend Roll.


WA / Line : 082219090957 (Eggy Resa)
